October 6, 2024

The Bono East regional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon close down places that are noisy within the region, Mr. Anthony Duah, the Bono East Regional Director of the Environmental Protection Agency reveals.

Mr. Anthony Duah in an interview with Elvisanokyenews.com urged pubs and other facilities to regulate their noise level, and prevent noise pollution because his outfit will soon close such facilities especially those within residential areas.

According to him, although the law allows businesses and individuals to set up pubs and other facilities within residential areas, the law also clearly spells out the sound levels they can operate both at day time and night time in residential areas.

Mr. Duah said any sound above 50dB at residential areas is against the law since the law permits clubs and pubs to operate at a sound level of 50 decibels during the day and 48 decibels at night.

“In the first place, before you set up such a business, you must go to the assembly and register where the assembly will determine whether the location of your business is a residential or commercial area after which you come to EPA for us to also give you the permit to operate.”

“However, most clubs and pubs do not abide by these laws, if you are operating within residential areas, you should know that there are levels of sound that you must follow, if you are operating your club at a residential area, the law says your noise level in the afternoon should not be more than 50dB and it should not also be more than 48dB in the evening,” He explained.

Mr. Anthony Duah, further disclosed that, according to their statistics, one of the serious environmental threats to the Bono East region is noise pollution of which many of those noise pollution are generated from bars, pubs and churches.

He urged owners of these businesses to strictly abide by the law governing noise pollution or risk losing their businesses.

“If you are operating within a residential area, you must strictly abide by these laws or your business will be shut down.”

“Noise pollution can have a negative impact on human wellbeing, wildlife and the environment, Leading to stress, sleep disturbances, and other health issues.”

“By regulating noise level the Bono East EPA is to ensure that there is going to be compliance to the level of noise that a particular location  has during a period of time.” He disclosed

He lamented that it is not any area that you need to establish a pub or noise at a particular time.

Mr. Anthony has urged people who want to establish these facilities to go to the assembly for a permit and also a permit from the EPA to ensure that their facilities are not closed down.

Source: Elvisanokyenews.com
