October 22, 2024

An interdicted Police officer, ASP Alhaji Bawah Abdul Jalil has called on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to step aside to allow for a thorough investigation into the allegations against him and some senior members.

There are disagreements among the committee members over the final report as the Chairman, Samuel Atta Akyea wants the committee to scrutinize the allegations of extra Judicial killings made against the IGP.

Reacting to this, Alhaji Bawah Abdul Jalil stated that the IGP should step down to prove that he is trustworthy.

“Once again, I demand that the IGP, if he desires everyone to believe that he is the honourable man he claims to be, should do the honourable thing by stepping aside to allow for a thorough investigation into the allegations against him and some senior members of his POMAB. The people of Ghana, the families, victims, police officers, and everyone who has suffered any form of injustice at the hands of Dampare deserve the truth, justice, and accountability.” He said in a statement.





1. I extend my heartfelt felicitations and greetings from Mecca, Saudi Arabia and to say that I am excited about what transpired in parliament today. First of all, I must commend the Right Honorable Speaker, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, for asserting his authority and preventing injustice to prevail.

2. When Martin Luther King Jnr. wrote his famous letter from Birmingham Jail in 1963 and said “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly”, he was speaking to all generations of men and women to stand up for one another especially, for those whose rights and lives have been deliberately taken from them without justification.

3. On the back of this, I have committed to fight for everybody known or unknown to me, and I am happy that the Honorable Atta Akyea is holding the touch whilst people like me follow.

4. In a remarkable display of courage and conviction over the past few days and in parliament today, Hon. Samuel Attah Akyeah, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee that investigated the IGP Leaked Tape, stood firm against pressure from his colleagues and the associates of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), refusing to sign a report that sought to exonerate the IGP from wrongdoing.

5. Hon. Akyeah’s bold stance epitomizes his long-standing commitment to truth, justice, and unwavering service to the people of Ghana. As the leaked tape saga continues to unfold, with allegations of extrajudicial killings, corruption, vindictiveness, maladministration, and micromanagement of the police service by IGP Dampare, I view Hon. Lawyer Attah Akyeah’s refusal to sign the report as a beacon of hope for families, victims, and police officers seeking accountability, transparency, and justice.

6. Hon. Attah Akyeah’s remarkable actions demonstrate that even in the face of intense pressure and allegations of bribery, one person can make a difference in the fight against injustice. Akyeah’s unwavering commitment to getting to the bottom of the allegations, despite the IGP’s relentless propaganda machinery working to discredit and intimidate, is a reminder that the truth matters, and indeed, justice matters.

7. His bravery exemplifies the power of conviction and the significance of standing up for what is right, even when it is exceedingly difficult. As it has become evident that Prof. Kwesi Anning, Adam Bonaa, Kofi Bentil, and others spoke prematurely due to their apparent parochial interests and desire to clear the IGP of wrongdoing at all costs, I want to once again commend Hon. Samuel Attah Akyeah for his courage and unwavering dedication to justice.

8. I implore the committee to complete its work by the directive of the Right Honorable Speaker without interference. For my part, I am ready to make myself available to testify before the committee. I am prepared to speak out fearlessly for the betterment of the Ghana Police Service and the Republic of Ghana, regardless of the personal cost. I am willing to risk everything, even my own life, to share my thoughts and concerns without any fear or favour.

9. My aim is to contribute to the transformation of the police service and the nation, ensuring justice, accountability, and prosperity for all Ghanaians.

10. Once again, I demand that the IGP, if he desires everyone to believe that he is the honourable man he claims to be, should do the honourable thing by stepping aside to allow for a thorough investigation into the allegations against him and some senior members of his POMAB. The people of Ghana, the families, victims, police officers, and everyone who has suffered any form of injustice at the hands of Dampare deserve the truth, justice, and accountability.

11. To conclude, I want to place on record that since the leaked tape saga emerged and my request to testify before the committee was denied, I have faced targeted persecution and been forcibly rendered redundant, despite my unwavering dedication and diligent service. However, with the Speaker’s new directives, I am now hopeful that I will finally have the opportunity     to assist the Committee to complete its work as directed by the Hon. Rt. Speaker.

Long live Ghana, and long live the Ghana Police Service.

ASP Mr. Alhaji Bawah Abdul Jalil
Ghana Police Service

Source: Elvisanokyenews.com
