July 8, 2024


Dear Kissi Agyebeng ( esq ),
I am very delightfully ecstatic to get this glittering nod in order to crave for your imprimatur to venture into overarching schmooze with you, with pertinent to your function as the Special Prosecutor ; to analyze it and weigh in your impacts so far.
Since, it is the incumbent on the Attorney General, Godfred Dame – Yeboah to propose a candidate to the President, with accordance to Section 13 (3) of the Special Prosecutor Act 2017 (959) and further on, to be subjected before Parliament for scrutiny, so that, vetting process could stimulate. Martin Amidu had the grace and clemency from the Attorney General and was conferred on, as the Special Prosecutor on 11th January 2018, thereby making him the trailblazer for such association also. However, when Martin Amidu ( esq ) renounced as the Special Prosecutor on 16th November 2020, the office became untenanted. The same legal provision accords the Attorney General to re – nominate someone to occupy that vacancy according to section 13(8), which states that, ” When the position of the Special Prosecutor becomes vacant, the president shall, within six months, appoint another qualified person for that portfolio”.
The President liaises with the Attorney General in the appointment of the Special Prosecutor. But the Attorney General has the ultimate say in the appointment, hence, the Attorney General noses around for a befitting Candidate to fill any lacuna created of that sort.
In effect, after a rigorous, moralistic, hortative and consultative frisking, Godfred Dame – Yeboah settled on you to succeed Martin Amidu.
For, the Attorney General cooperates with the President in the hunt for a Special Prosecutor, after he declared his support for you to be the next Special Prosecutor, he (Godfred Dame – Yeboah) needed to pen a letter to the President to acquaint him with it. In a letter to the office of the president, the Attorney General stated that; “Kissi Agyebeng possesses the requisite expertise on corruption and corruption-related matters, is of high moral character and proven integrity and satisfies all the other requirements stipulated in section 13(1) and (2) of Act 959”. The nomination was then sanctified by the president and forwarded to parliament. You were vetted by the Appointments Committee of parliament on Thursday 22 July 2021, and unanimously recommended. You were subsequently approved unanimously by parliament on Friday 30 July 2021. As stated by the first deputy speaker of parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu; “The motion is adopted, and Kissi Agyebeng has been confirmed as a nominee for the position of Special Prosecutor”.
When you were endorsed officially, we had the tenable sanguinity that, you would set – up an impregnable legal apparatus to miniaturize corruptions in this Country, for, we conceptualized that, you were legally egghead and also coupled with the fact that, from 2006, you had taught a number of courses pertaining to Law, categorically including Criminal Law, International Humanitarian law, International Law, Company Law, Commercial Law and Legal Researches and Writings at the University of Ghana School of Law for a whacking 15 years, until you assumed Office and that has empirically confuted our initial impression about you being a rattling good legal practitioner woefully. Should I acquiesce with others, who think you have been politically incited by the opposition party, the NDC ?
It appears, you are ineffably beguiled into cases vis – á – vis any NPP partisan only and the clincher is how you conducted meticulous and circumstantial sleuthing into Hon.Cecilia Dapaah’s alleged looting and dealt with that matter seriatim without any person, entity, body etc tattering her to your outfit. Since, you have powers of a police officer under the Criminal and other Offences (Procedure) Act, 1960 (Act 30) and under any other law, the legal sinews to confiscate asset (s) which has/have been procured unlawfully _ you reproduced this legal muscle at Hon. Cecilia Dapaah stringently : froze a mountain of her assets and you were even panting to prosecute her about something, which had not reached its tail end. So, doesn’t it brace the furphy that, you are executing your legally mandated works to fascinate the NDC Party in lieu of the wider interests, if any person tailed you throughout Hon. Cecilia Dapaah’s saga ?
Even, respecting to John Mahama’s Airbus Scandal, your predecessor, Martin Amidu had found the corruption suspicions credible and for that matter opened investigation into this matter on 4th February, where he announced that, he had summoned four ” suspects “, but as a result of the fact that, we were under the tentacles of COVID – 19 then and those suspects are British nationals and which was difficult to migrate to Ghana then, it stalled this investigatory process upsettingly.  Mr. Agyebeng, couldn’t you have taken extensive effort to revitalize this case post – the COVID – 19 regime ? You showed apathetic about it because, you are affiliated with NDC clandestinely and as a result , you decided to insulate your boss’s reputational status, because it could had been mangled irreparably. By according to this narrative then, it means , you have put your NDC partisanship on tacenda. Your boss, John Mahama has in relation to a particular intelligence has vowed to maintain you in the slimmest event where he is elected into power : we are well – equipped with it, Mr. Agyebeng.
The pestilential part of my grievances is that, for the past days, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has gazetted a heap of binomial nomenclatures, who are politically associated with the NDC about how they have illicitly attained assets in Dubai majored in that fiendish acquisitions by Inusa Fuseini. Until now, Mr. Agyebeng, we are yet to hear any endeavor of your outfit being institutionalized to indagate into this matter.
Is your code of act, thus, the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act, 2017 (Act 959) vibrating in lethologica at this point or is it meaningfully operative when NPP partisan is in the party ?
Your act of double standards must be obstructed at this point.
I thereby provoke you to energize your objective legal brains, such that, you might shield yourself from being in legal ignominy and stasis.
By : Prof. Dinkum.
( The Buzzing Rapine of Erudition )
E – mail : dinkumchoice@gmail.com
Source: Elvisanokyenews.com