October 6, 2024

The Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) has refuted media reports suggesting airlines were being impressed to impose a US$7 charge on each passenger flying in and out of Ghana as luggage fumigation fee.

According to GACL, management will not impose any such taxes or charges on passengers for luggage fumigation purposes as reported.

It was reported that the Ghana Health Service is impressing on airlines to add US$7 per passenger on each international airline ticket sold and remit the same to the government agency as a luggage fumigation charge.

But GACL in a statement said, “The attention of the Board and Management of the Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) has been drawn to several media reports of a proposed tax/charge of USD7 the GACL intends imposing on passengers for the purpose of fumigating luggage”.

“GACL wishes to assure the general public that GACL will not impose any such taxes or charges on passengers for luggage fumigation purposes as reported. All reports to the contrary should therefore be disregarded.” The statement added.


It was reported that the Ghana Health Service is impressing on airlines to add US$7 per passenger on each international airline ticket sold and remit the same to the government agency as a luggage fumigation charge.

AviationGhana sources revealed that the decision of the GHS was conveyed by the Ghana Airports Company Limited to airlines servicing Accra’s Kotoka International Airport at a meeting held on Thursday, June 22, 2023, in Accra.

Airlines, who are still recovering from the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, opposed the decision of the GHS and further pointed to the lack of local law for the planned charge.

If implemented, the imposition of the US$7 fumigation charge will lead to further increases in airfares, which already remain elevated due to high aviation fuel costs, a weak local currency, and a general economic squeeze since last year.

Source: Elvisanokyenews.com
