“Vote for a political party that will help develop your community” – Oyeadeye Asa Akompanin II

Oyeadeye Asa Akompanin II, Techiman Krobohene and Kyidomhene of the Techiman Tradtional Area, has urged the people of Krobo and Techiman as a whole to participate in the upcoming 2024 elections in a peaceful manner.

Oyeadeye Asa Akompanin II, also urged electorates in Krobo to vote for a political party that will help in the development of  Krobo and Techiman.

According to him, Krobo is open to all political parties but they will only support a party that has the interest of the community at heart.

“Krobo as a community don’t belong to any political party, the only party I support is Krobo, we will support any political party that will come and develop Krobo.

“I will urge you to be very observant during this election period, politicians from all the political parties will come to you and campaign, welcome all of them in good fate, listen to what they have to say and vote for the party that will help to develop Krobo, Techiman and Ghana at large.

“I have said and will repeat that any government that fails to develop Krobo will not have my support and I will urge all of you to also have Krobo in mind when you go to the polls. All the political parties have sweet messages for us but not all what they are saying is true, so kindly scrutinize what they are saying and vote accordingly.” He said

Oyeadeye Asa Akompanin II, urged politicians to be truthful during the deliverance of their campaign messages and bear it in mind that, they will be held accountable for their choice of words.

“I will also urge politicians to  truthful during their campaigns, they should let us know what they truly intend to do for us as a community and a country because we will surely hold them accountable, we need a government that thinks about the welfare of the country.” Nana disclosed.

Nana continued,”Don’t be deceived  by any politician, vote for a party that can protect our river bodies and natural resources, these politicians have the resources to live a luxurious  life and so we shouldn’t fall for their sugar-coated words.

“We in Krobo have benefited from both the NPP and NDC, so I will urge all of you to go our in your numbers and vote for the party that you believe that contribute to the development we are seeking in our community, avoid any activity that will results in violence, go and vote in peace and return home in peace.”

Oyeadeye Asa Akompanin II reassured the people of Techiman that their communities will continue to thrive and grow, provided that they work together to make informed decisions and exercise their democratic rights responsibly.

Source: Elvisanokyenews.com

About Clement Blankson

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