On my first time of sighting this fib, the initial impression I mustered was, how has the NDC performers become nebbish to this length? The enigma of issue makes one craves for hierophant but when something is overt, the neophyte can exercise a squeaky clean exegesis. You can nimbly schedule for entrapment, but for all that you know, you could end up to be the victim of your own machination, because not all persons are patsy or pigeon. The blueprint adopted by the NDC to appropriate power from the NPP isn’t only yucky but dastardly as well. This accents to the fact that, the NDC is being swayed by not the full shilling people. An organization, institution etc, which lacks the structural expediency continues to wallow in a sheer purgatory, whilst renaissance becomes their ultimate blemish in the case of the NDC Party.
The revered thematic area of a song is the artiste’s name ; it gives someone the individualized variance and as such, people term the effort of the person as having done magnum opus in accordance with his/her binomial nomenclature. Any written piece which ducks this criterion has been structured to merely and chiefly delude and bilk the mass of the citizenry. In this context, the specious and casuistic ‘ Agyapadie ‘ book is the antipodean of the underscored fact. Why are the NDC people so pussy of dicking around about the author of the said book ? It is sometimes excruciating and harrowing for our so – called scholars to be literately illiterate in the name of panting for unwarranted power/presidential hegemony : it makes some of the protégés down in the mouth. What was the stimulus for the NDC men to engender such conspicuously designed lies ? Nobody should regurgitate this as politicking – it has no correlation with it at this point _ they have in a way, bastardized their revolting credibility.
Aside their malarkey natures, they aren’t strategically endowed also. How do you theorized that, Nana Akufo Addo would freeze MTN to take ascendancy over it. Not a bambino will fantasize about this fantasy. The NDC is known orthodoxically for exaggerating on lies and contrastingly, screen the realities wittingly. Ghanaians ain’t enveloped in blandishments and arm – twisting again : they have realized your deleterious intentions. You can perpetually complot, as that has been your hereditament : we won’t be engulfed by your sketchy and barmy claims. You can’t rest on this fable in order for our well thought out electorates to vote for you, upon your ineffectually nebulous policy, never !! In this 21st century, wisdom and knowledge are the persuasive barometer in the attainment of power/presidential Cris de Coeur in any case and not a matter of hatching up a vile scheme in inveigling the crush for votes.
Precariously, the rate at which the NDC undermines the integrity of our Kings/Chiefs is intractably pestilential nowadays. Why should you emboldened this grossly penned book with the pictorial illustration of the Paramount Chief of Akyem Abuakwa , Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin II ? It has become consistently and increasingly evidential that, the NDC and its partisans’ behaviours towards our Kings/Chiefs are considered unfilial. How John Mahama and his cohorts have constantly needled the Ashanti Kingdom with beastly comments are publicly. However, it isn’t hellish shocking that, after concocting such a diabolic plan against the NPP, a Paramount Chief image was used as its shield in that book. A political Party, which has the propensity to wink at the relevance of Kings/Chiefs of a Country must without shilly – shallying be barred in their presidential attempt, which in this case is the NDC Party.
At this point also, i solemnly beseech, Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin II to unleash legal dust – up against the NDC members, who composed the book anonymously for slander and unauthorized pictorial representation of himself in their book.
Osagyefuo, with the maximum obeisance, I would be put into a jerk of shocks, should you remain nonchalant to this issue without triggering the legal punch _ your reputation is at stake and for that matter, it ought to be shepherded as such.
These bunkum and claptrap from the NDC crusaders and netroots ought to be halted !!
By : Prof. Dinkum.
(The Buzzing Rapine of Erudition)
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