October 6, 2024

An Associate Pastor at the Adom Baptist Church in the Techiman South Municipal of the Bono East region, Rev. Samul Duodu, has part of this year’s father’s day celebration, has urged fathers across the country to emulate the fatherly nature of God.

Rev. Duodu urged fathers to take on the responsibility of caring for their families, just as God cares for His children.

During his inspiring speech, he emphasized that being a father is not just a title, but a calling to serve and protect one’s family. He encouraged fathers to be present, loving, and supportive, just as God is always present, loving, and supportive of His children.

“I will urge all father’s to take on their responsibilities because God is our father and he cares for us so as a father and head of your family, you have to care for the needs of your children, your family and your nation.

“As a father, you have to ensure the growth and development of your country and your family, you have to fulfil whatever responsibility that God has entrusted to you as a father.

“God is our rock, our refuge, and our provider, as fathers, we are called to be that same rock, that same refuge, and that same provider for our families. We must strive to be the kind of fathers that God is to us.” Rev. Samuel Duodu said.

He also urged fathers to be faithful to their God, family, church and country.

Rev. Samuel Duodu, used the occasion to encourage individuals who are at loggerheads with their fathers to reconcile with them.

“If you are here and for some reason you are not in talking terms with your father, you must use the opportunity this day provides and resolve whatever issue that is preventing you from speaking with your father.

“No matter what he has done to you, you should remember that he is your father, it is through him that you came to this world, so as we celebrate Father’s day, kindly call him and wish him a happy father’s day, if possible pay him a visit and give him some gift.

“A father is not only the person who gave birth to you, so today’s celebration shouldn’t be about our biological father but anybody playing a father figure in our life must be celebrated.” He said

Source: Elvisanokyenews.com
